Anja Obreza
SenioritySenior Associate
Practice areas
Anja Obreza is a Senior Associate and Tax Manager who joined our firm in July 2024. Prior to that she worked as a Tax Advisor at an international Tax Advisory Firm and as a Senior Associate on tax and corporate law matters in other law firms. During her career she worked in various tax-law matters with a focus on personal income tax, especially with cross-border elements, representation in tax proceedings and restructuring matters. She has obtained the title “Certified tax expert” with the Slovenian Institute of Auditors. She is also a Court interpreter for German language.
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (2012)
English, German, Croatian
- Senior Associate at Jadek & Pensa Law Office d.o.o. (since July 2024)
- Senior Associate at Law firm CERHA HEMPEL Ulčar & partnerji d.o.o. (2023-2024)
- Senior Associate at Law firm Sibinčič, Križanec, Novak d.o.o. (2023)
- Senior Associate at Law firm Blaž Pate & Partnerji d.o.o. (2016 - 2023)
- Associate at v Law firm Blaž Pate & Partnerji d.o.o. (2015 - 2016)
- Tax Consultant at LeitnerLeitner d.o.o. (2012 - 2015)
- Certified tax expert with the Slovenian Institute of Auditors (2021)
- Court interpreter for German language (2020)
- Slovenian bar (2016)
- Obreza A., Special tax base for deployed employees in view of latest court practice – Part 2, Davčno-finančna praksa, Year XXV (2024), Nr. 3
- Obreza A., Special tax base for deployed employees in view of latest court practice – Part 1, Davčno-finančna praksa, Year XXV (2024), Nr. 2
- Obreza A., Mercina J,: Dilemmas regarding the special tax base for deployed employees in accordance with Art. 45.a ZDoh-2, Davčno-finančna praksa, Year XXII (2021), Nr. 3
- Obreza A., "Tax neutral merger, demerger, capital swap and transfer of assets: egal and tax aspects”, Slovenian Institute of Auditors (2024)
- Obreza A., "Reimbursement of employment-related expenses – Tax and legal aspects”, Slovenian Institute of Auditors (2023)
- Obreza A., "Tax aspects of sales and purchases of real estate", Nova Univerza, Evropska pravna fakulteta (2023)
- Obreza A., "New developments regarding reimbursements of employment-related expenses", Slovenian Institute of Auditors (2022)
- Obreza A., Mercija J., "Taxation of selected types of income of natural persons, received from abroad", Slovenian Institute of Auditors (2022)