Despite existing gender equality laws, the European Union faces challenges like the gender pay gap and low representation of women in leadership positions, prompting new directives to encourage workplace equality. Notable among these are Directive 2023/970, enhancing pay transparency and equal pay enforcement for men and women, and Directive 2022/2381, aimed at improving the gender balance among directors of listed companies and related measures. Among other requirements, these directives establish stricter pay transparency requirements, give job applicants the right to receive information about initial pay or its range, prohibit employers from inquiring about candidates past salaries, grant easy access to employees to objective and gender-neutral payment criteria, oblige companies with over 100 employees to report on gender pay gaps, and to ensure adequate representation of women in leadership positions. Directive 2022/2464 also plays a significant role, concerning corporate sustainability reporting. This directive, together with the European standards for sustainability reporting (ESRS), requires companies to report on gender equality and equal pay as part of its social (S) pillar.
The above-described issues are not confined to the European Union alone but are also prevalent in Slovenia. National initiatives like Slovenia’s Resolution for 2023-2030 and the proposal of the amendment of the Companies Act (ZGD-1M) are focused on ensuring equal pay and increasing female representation in leadership positions.
To ensure equal economic independence for both genders, transparency is a key prerequisite. Therefore, it extends beyond mere compliance with legal standards; it involves nurturing a culture within organizations that values and promotes equality and diversity. This holistic approach is crucial for meaningful progress in gender equity. We address these issues in the article you may access by clicking the link.