Personal Data Protection
New information and communication technologies enable the collection and processing of a large quantity of data for different purposes. Regulations at EU as well as at national level stipulate special rules and limitations, which the companies and individuals have to respect when they collect and process personal data of various stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers etc.).
Our firm offers clients comprehensive advice on the protection of personal data. We offer clients a review of the compliance of their operation with regulations relating to the protection of personal data (review of documents and agreements concluded and analysis of their compliance with regulations on personal data protection), we draft documents related to personal data and propose amendments in order to ensure the compliance of operation with regulations.
We also perform trainings for employees in companies, which are aimed at informing the employees of their duties in relation to the protection of personal data, which they deal with in carrying out their tasks, notifying them of novelties in regulations or practice and discussing the actual dilemmas of employees. Namely, preventing the violation of regulations related to personal data protection is not an end in itself, but is also efficient and economic, taking into account the unfavourable consequences in case of established violations.
We advise clients also in the procedures of transferring personal data to third countries and represent them in related proceedings before the national authority for personal data protection.
Furthermore, our law firm offers client representation in all procedures before the national authority for personal data protection (information commissioner) as well as in related court proceedings.