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The school of civil procedural law – Amended Civil Procedure Act – ZPP-E

On 20 June 2017, Jure Levovnik, with the renowned colleagues Prof. dr. Aleš Galič (Faculty of Law, Ljubljana), Prof. dr. Vesna Rijavec (Faculty of Law, Maribor), dr. Vesna Bergant Rakočević (Higher Court of Ljubljana), dr. Urška Kežmah (Maribor District Court), and the moderator Gregor Gregorin, participated as the lecturer at the event entitled The school of civil procedure law - Amended Civil Procedure Act - ZPP-E, organised by the Slovenian Bar Academy.

The event was very successful and according to the unofficial data, more than 900 lawyers, junior associates and trainees from all over Slovenia were registered. The lecturers presented and critically evaluated the key novelties introduced by the amended Civil Procedure Act – ZPP-E which shall apply as of 14/09/2017. Jure Levovnik presented the key novelties in the phases of the main hearing and the preparation thereof. These are the phases of the proceedings which are the most critical at the first instance from the point of view of procedure duration. In his presentation, he also discussed the novelties concerning the restrictions in relation to the written submissions, the mandatory preliminary hearing, the preparation for the conduct of procedure, debarment and the closing statements of the parties.

Managing Associate

Jadek & Pensa